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Building on the resounding success of last year’s event, this year promises to be an even more immersive experience, highlighting the latest advancements in robotics and automation.

The open day which is held in collaboration with the Northeast Automotive Alliance (NEAA), highlights the pivotal role these technologies play in achieving optimum performance, cost effectiveness and efficiency. The success of the previous open day was not only a testament to the innovative technologies displayed, but a result of collaborative efforts with our industry leading partners who will join us again this year. The list includes ABB, K.Hartwall, DTA, Jungheinrich, Geek+, MiR, RAR, UR, OnRobot, Fanuc, Robotiq, IDS and Rajant.

Garry Lofthouse, CEO of Applied Integration, expressed his pleasure in hosting the NEAA Digital Smart Factory open day, focusing on areas of robotics and automation to enhance productivity and bridge labour shortages. The event, supported by global technology partners, received overwhelming positive feedback, solidifying its place as a regular fixture in the NEAA calendar.

As we anticipate the unveiling of the future at the Digital Smart Factory Open Day 2024, we invite you to register and join us on the 17th or 18th of April (Morning and Afternoon sessions) for an immersive experience into the innovative technologies shaping the landscape of industrial innovation. Together, let us explore the possibilities that lie ahead for robotics, automation, and digital integration.


To register for the event, scan the barcode on the flyer below or follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-smart-factory-open-day-2024-tickets-713680195677?aff=oddtdtcreator